Camping Gear
From the best sleeping bags and sleeping pads to some of the most popular tents and bivvies, we test, review and report on various types of camping gear to ensure you've got all of the unbiased information you need to guide your next purchase. Our camping gear reviews are always authentic, honest and totally unbiased — and always written with you, our reader, in mind. To determine the quality of individual items, we put everything through rigorous testing protocols, and we lean on numerous members of the Great British Adventure Club to ensure camping kit is put up against everything the UK can throw at it. Depending on the specific items of camping equipment we're reviewing, you may find us out on a summit in the Lakes to see how a tent copes in the wind. Or you may find us tucked into a Cairngorm Coire deep in the Scottish winter, all to test how warm a tent keeps us in the worst British conditions imaginable. All that's to say is that you can trust our thoughts on kit — and you're always more than welcome to reach out if you have any questions on a specific item of camping gear we've reviewed.
To read more about how we test equipment at the Great British Adventure Club, check out our How We Test Kit page detailing how we receive samples and how we compile reviews. Or let us know anything you would like us to review on our site survey
Could this be one of the most comfortable ways to camp in poorer conditions?
Now over 20 years old, MSR’s Hubba series is the original UL OG. But how does the 1-person version hold up in 2025?
Ideal for weight-conscious adventurers who want to keep their pack size to a minimum.
A warm, waterproof jacket built for cold hikes and winter days out, offering impressive value for money.
Are these the new lightweight champions of the UK adventure scene?
OEX Phoxx 1 Ultralite, is a super light and easy-to-use backpacking tent.
Super small yet remarkably robust, could this be the most comfortable bivy out there?
A small, lightweight and surprisingly roomy backpacking tent.
A well-made, lightweight tent that comes in at an unbeatable price.
A reliable, comfortable and affordable tent that delivers some of the best all-round performance we’ve ever experienced.
A packable, lightweight and surprisingly robust trekking pole tent that can’t be beaten on price.
Just as packable as its predecessor and comes with the same mind-bending warmth-to-weight ratio.
A top-performing, versatile deep-winter sleeping bag that won’t let you down.
Could this be the most comfortable 4-season pad out there right now?
The closest thing we’ve ever come across to a portable brick building for camping in the worst conditions imaginable
A lightweight and packable sleeping pad that is comfy, warm and surprisingly durable
A packable, lightweight and durable shelter that performs superbly in a variety of conditions
A high-performing winter down bag at an exceptional price.
An innovative polycotton backpacking tent built for the worst conditions imaginable
A budget-friendly trekking tent that’s tough enough to withstand challenging conditions
A versatile 2-person tent offering bags of room and great features
Is this the most versatile 4-season tent available today? We think it might be…